What makes for a successful therapy process?
Clients considering therapy often have questions about the therapy process and whether or not it can be effective for them. The following are the main elements which, according to both research and practice, have been shown to yield the most successful therapy results:
- The therapist is highly skilled, experienced and knowledgeable
- The therapist is well-prepared for sessions and is fully present in them
- The therapist is able to be warm, empathic and genuine
- The client and therapist are able to develop a strong working relationship
- There is a good fit between the client and the therapist
- The client trusts the therapist and feels safe in therapy
- The client is open and truthful with the therapist
- The client is highly motivated to work hard toward desired changes (e.g., comes to sessions regularly, does their homework)
Before making the decision of choosing your psychologist for counselling or therapy, one must understand what makes that particular psychologist different. Below are three reasons why my approach to therapy and counselling is unique.
How am I different?
- Client empowerment through collaboration
In my practice, I offer respectful and compassionate care and a comfortable and safe place to explore your private and most personal matters. My approach is interactive, collaborative and transparent. I carefully listen to your concerns and then work in genuine partnership with you by setting specific and tangible therapy goals, identifying suitable treatment options and guiding you in ongoing self-evaluation.
I openly discuss with you my perspective on the issues at hand and answer your questions to the best of my ability. I collaborate with other health-care providers, such as your family doctor, previous therapist and alternative medicine professionals, whenever such collaboration may enhance your progress and always with your explicit consent.
- Breadth of experience and dual designation benefits
As both a registered psychologist and registered marriage and family therapist, I have an in-depth understanding of both individual processes and relational ones; I am aware of the reciprocal impact of individual and family on each other and tailor my interventions accordingly. As well, clients who are seeking couples therapy in Vancouver and have extended medical coverage for registered psychologists only, can benefit from my dual designation.
Throughout my years of practice, I have worked in different settings with a variety of clients and client problems. My extensive work experience greatly enhances the quality of the care I provide. Furthermore, by continuously upgrading my professional knowledge and skills and staying current in effective types of therapy and by adhering firmly to the ethical standards as regulated by the College of Psychologists of BC, I deliver the highest professional care.
- Access through supplementary education and referral network
In addition to my private practice, I offer periodic educational workshops and seminars to enhance awareness on select, common life challenges, providing people in the community with the access to helpful information and practical tools on how to tackle such hurdles. These workshops are designed to provide easy access to vital information for people who are dealing with normative life challenges while having busy lives. These workshops are open to all.
My Guarantees
I have worked with many people from all different walks of life in Vancouver since 1995. I have helped families, couples and individuals reach their health and happiness goals. To help you better understand my services, I’ve provided a list of my personal guarantees below for providing counselling and couples therapy in Vancouver, BC.
- I will evaluate and communicate my ability to be of help to you once I have a clear understanding of what you need and want help with
- I will openly discuss with you the various types of therapy and techniques available to address your needs
- I will refer you to another professional if I believe that you may be served better by them
- I will collaborate with other care providers (e.g., your physician, a naturopath) if necessary, with your explicit consent
- I will be fully present in our sessions and will focus on you and your issues
- If I see you with your partner, I will be impartial, fair and loyal to both of you
- I will encourage you to ask questions and give you honest answers. If I am unable to answer a question, I will make the necessary inquiries or guide you to look for the answer in relevant sources
- I will regularly review your goals and your progress with you and make the necessary adjustments
- I will not prolong therapy unnecessarily; I will periodically evaluate with you whether or not you are benefiting from therapy
- Termination of therapy will be decided upon collaboratively and will be done gradually; I will not abandon you!
- I will be punctual and respectful of your time; I will let you know of changes in schedule, if and when they occur, well ahead of time as much as possible
- I will closely adhere to the Code of Ethics for psychologists. To review the code please log on to the College of Psychologists of BC’s website.
If you or someone you know is in a state of distress, I can assure you that I understand the trepidation involved when considering professional help. Change requires persistence and bravery and I’m sure you are capable of both.
If you wish to make an appointment in order to talk, you may either reach me at 604-671-7356 or e-mail me at michal@drregev.com