23 Nov Dr. Michal Regev and Pacific Post Partum Support Society
I am pleased and honoured to take part in this evening talk for new dads. I have collaborated with the Pacific Postpartum Support Society for many years, which has been both my pleasure and privilege. If you are interested in attending the talk, please R.S.V.P. With the Pacific Postpartum Support Society.
Please join us at our Partner Information Session
Dr. Michal Regev and Pacific Post Partum Support Society
Welcomes all partners to attend our Partner’s session on:
Tuesday, November 24th
From 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Richmond Garrett Wellness Centre
7504 Chelsea Place, Richmond
Registration is required
Please call Pacific Post Partum Support line: 604-255-7999
This is a time for Partners to get support and information about postpartum depression and anxiety (PPD/A). We will cover topics such as; what is it? How does this affect couples and families? What Helps?
We also welcome any partners to call the office prior to or after our session for more information and support. We view PPD/A as a family issue and encourage everyone to get the support they need.
We hope to see you there and look forward to meeting you!